How to Create High-Impact Content

We have competition. It is called the Internet. It changes the way people read - or do not read - our content. It has become more difficult
How to Create High-Impact Content
How to Create High-Impact Content

We have competition. It is called the Internet. It changes the way people read - or do not read - our content. It has become more difficult than ever to create content that has an impact on audiences suffering from an increased burden of information.

Here is the back story: Clickbait may have existed for more than a century (at least according to this request), but its new high-freight identity is the full Internet service. The moment someone discovered that clicks meant increasing online advertising revenue, getting traffic was a top priority - beyond telling the truth, providing meaningful insight, or adding any kind of value.

Clickbait works by ejaculation to our worst motives: instant gratification with very little work. We compulsively press such addresses as "never eat this food" even though we are reasonably aware that the actual piece will be excitable at best and completely subjective at worst.

The worst thing is that we are all in this together.

As Derek Thompson writes in the Atlantic Ocean,

"Media companies are desperately trying to get your attention and the headlines you see tend to be the headline of the headlines." We are all in this together, one cycle of always ideal responses, comprehensive illustrations, and amazing facts, and you know exactly what will happen after So. "

As a book, clickbait makes our task extremely difficult by spamming the stadium so people have useless content leaking out of their pores. In such an environment, it is very difficult to write high impact content that is both ethically and adds value. But there are ways to do it.

Know your audience

Do not write public things that try to attract as many people as possible. Instead, type for a specific audience. who are they? where are they? What unites them? More importantly, what do they want to read? Once you have an audience in mind, try and understand what their pain points are. The pain point is basically something your audience is looking for. Once you know the answers people want, you can provide relevant content that people already read.

Take this particular site, for example. This does not mean for everyone between the ages of three and three hundred. It is not reserved for both animal guards and race car drivers. Instead, it is a place for writers to talk about writing, and the challenges associated with the creative process. Content that speaks about writing and provides value for the book, will be good here.

Go very specific

Have you ever put in the first search term in Google and read what comes on autocomplete? This alone tells you that a) wonderful and varied people often ask Google for strange things and b) many search queries are very specific.

So, what if I wrote something about a very specific subject that people were looking for?

Here's an example: one million people run gardening blogs about Bougainvillea. If you write a general article about this beautiful plant, you will lose your article completely in the cracks of the Internet, which drowns thousands of others.

But if you write a specific treatment that protects the bougainvillea from a specific mushroom, you will get a loyal group of gardeners who fight this problem to cling to every word. What's more, they will go back and read other gardening articles, too.

Extremely specific work works well with Google rankings - meaning your content appears higher and attracts more eyeballs.

Give people what they can handle

Readers want different things. Some are actually poor time, and they just want to read skim. Others want a little more. Others still want an in-depth analysis. The best way to create an effect is to give all those readers exactly what they want.

What? Using a useful bite, snack meal approach. It is a metaphor for food where your list (or article) contains dishes that satisfy all levels of hunger, leaving the option for the client (or reader).


Just taste. For readers who just want to digest and quickly, summarize
Everything you say in the title and error carries your main message.


Little light is something. For readers who have more time but are less likely to throw themselves into an article that is "War and Peace", create a paragraph that contains your main talking points.

the meal

Main course for readers with appetizers. Offer a full meal and appetite for those hungry on your words, go to some details, provide supporting evidence and add as much value as possible. But remember to keep things simple, because simplicity in writing often creates a better effect.

Just as the list of restaurants combines all these options together, your content must contain all three options in the same place - with title and illustration in the foreground, the main argument presented in depth and a small summary at the end. Then, let the reader choose.

Creating a big impact may not be the easiest thing in the world, given the overwhelming tone surrounding readers. But it can be done. Happy writing!

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