8 tips for bloggers for writing articles


Does any of this sound familiar to you:

  •  you feel inspired, but cannot concentrate on any idea;
  • You cannot wait to share a story or advice, but you cannot find the right words;
  •  You are re-reading the draft version, but it seems to you that this was written by a completely different person.

Most of those who are more or less connected with writing, have encountered such problems.

8 tips to help you write an article for your blog:

1. Determine the intention

First, clearly define why you are writing. It is desirable that your intention be good. Take a couple of deep breaths, focus on the task and say something like: “What I write will make the world a little better.”

2. Start with the final send

Explain in a few words what you want to achieve. What thoughts, feelings, emotions should your readers have?

An erratic stream of goals and thoughts will not help you in your work. You need to process everything that revolves in your head. And bring it to a concise and complete idea. If at the same time you are thinking about something else, about some other topic on which you would like to write an article, write this down in your reminders to come back later.

3. Do not edit while working

Have you ever had such a thing that you spend 10-20 minutes only on the first paragraph, because you are constantly dissatisfied with something and overwrite it over and over again? This is one of the most common reasons why work on one article can drag on for hours.

Disable the "editor". Do not pay attention to what Word emphasizes, stop the internal criticism, which requires a perfectly chosen word from you and does not allow you to move on to the next sentence until you find this word.

Transfer all your thoughts to the page, feel the flow. Then you can go back and edit the bad moments.

4. Submit a personal contact

Remember how you communicate with your close friends. You don’t have to work hard to express your thoughts? Your stories, jokes flow calmly and comfortably from somewhere inside. You do not need to think much before speaking.

Try to bring yourself closer to real circumstances. Imagine that a friend is sitting in front of you to whom you are telling important information. How would you tell him the story you want to transfer to the page? What words would you use, with what intonation did you speak, what unique expressions would you use? This is your unique style.

5. Make a list of what you want to read.

When you read posts, articles, books that you love, pay attention to the details. What is so special about them? Are you attracted to the style of presentation and sense of humor of the author? Punctuation features? Or a clear separation of information? Use this as inspiration. Write an article that you yourself would like to read.

6. Divide the work into blocks

Have you just spent half an hour exploring the intricacies of heading up? Do not waste this time - practice to assimilate information for a long time. Write 10 headlines while you have inspiration.

Similarly with other activities: if you are now in the mood to edit, then read several articles at once. If you are working on SEO, then take the time to several articles at once.

Your efficiency will increase if you group similar tasks and do them in relation to several articles at once. Otherwise, if you constantly switch from one task to another, working on one article, you will reduce the level of concentration.

Therefore, devote some time to searching for ideas, writing headlines, writing articles, editing, SEO — optimization, etc.

7. Manage your energy wisely

Sometimes you take up work and the words seem to appear on the computer monitor by themselves. When you catch this condition, try to use it to the maximum.

8. Develop the habit of writing in the morning

Take a notebook that you like, choose a pen that is nice to hold in your hands. Spend 15 minutes each morning writing: just transfer your thoughts, problems, dreams and fears to paper.

When you set yourself up for writing every morning, it will be easier for you to further understand what internal state contributes to productive work.

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