How to write an article for publication: 10 simple steps

Hello, friends! In this material I want to tell in detail how to write an article. You will learn what types of text are, what you need to consider
How to write an article for publication: 10 simple steps

Hello, friends! In this material I want to tell in detail how to write an article. You will learn what types of text are, what you need to consider when writing and how to achieve high quality material. I am sure my experience will be useful to you. You will learn not only new information for yourself, but also be able to build an acceptable scheme of work. Adhering to which, you will prepare really cool materials that are popular.

Before delving into the discussion of the topic "How to write an article", let's talk about the types of texts. There are several. We briefly describe each of them.

1. Plagiarism

I doubted whether such materials should be included in the list at all. Such articles include "stolen" from other sites. That is, the owner of the resource sat in the search engine, searched for what he needed. I picked up an article that I liked more than others, and simply published it on my site.
Shame and censure to such people!

2. Rewrite

In fact, this is a summary of the material read in your own words. An article is found on the necessary topics and is corresponded - other turns, phrases are used. The author formulates what has been said in his own way.

This approach allows to achieve uniqueness of the text. We will talk about it in more detail below.

3. How to write an article for publication: copyright

Its essence is that the author does not rewrite someone else's text, but prepares new material. But based on several sources. Preliminary is a deep study of the collected material. Then a new text is written. With its structure.

4. Author's article

Material completely written from scratch and prepared by the author based on personal experience, skills, knowledge. These materials include:

  • guides;
  • interview;
  • reviews;
  • description of cases, etc.

How to write an article for publication: do not forget about the terms of reference

Preparation of the article is carried out according to the statement of work - the technical task. Even if the article is prepared personally and for your own site. The following features of future material are prescribed in TK:

  • subjects;
  • volume (number of characters without spaces or number of words);
  • boundary level of uniqueness;
  • some other technical indicators, if necessary;
  • stylistics;
  • keywords.
Be sure to indicate in TK who the target audience is. The final level of expertise of the material will depend on this. If for experts in a particular industry - this is one thing. Such a text should be truly expert, with numbers, technical specifications, etc. If for ordinary people - a simple and understandable explanation of the work of certain technologies is enough.

The terms of reference should be written as detailed as possible, focusing on all the features of the project.

How to write an article: 10 steps to cool text

In this section, I will describe in detail how to write an article for publication, describing all the consecutive steps to achieve the desired result. This information will be useful, first of all, to the students of my course “How to make a website in 4 days”.

1. The choice of topics

Talking about how to write an article, I will give an example on the choice of topics. You need to remember right away - one article should cover one topic.
Do not strive in one article to talk about different topics. This will not lead to anything good.

2. Article format

The next step in the instructions on how to write the article correctly is to choose the appropriate format. It is important that it is ideally suited to the specific topic of the material.

I will give an example of several formats:

  • problem and solution - first a specific problem is stated, and then ways to solve it are described;
  • tool for ... - the description of a specific method intended for a specific niche is implied;
  • question and answer - at first one of the questions is stated, and then a detailed answer is given to it;
  • expert assessment - as to a specific subject, product, service, or a specific solution to the problem;
  • tips and tricks - they should be practical, detailing the process of solving the problem.
It is imperative that in each article there is precisely practical, valuable and useful information. Articles about anything filled with "water" are of no interest to anyone. They will not benefit the site.

3. Title selection

Whether the user wants to follow the link and read the entire article depends on the title of the material. It is important to feel the fine line between originality and banality.
Do not make the titles too long. Choose a short name. And never add artificial emotion by typing a few exclamation or question marks. There will be no trust in such a title.

Separately, I recommend working through the templates. Here are some examples:

  • “How ...” - this article begins with this word, it allows you to interest, but gives a clear idea of ​​what the text says;
  •  "Quick Start Guide, How ..." or "Quick Start Guide ...";
  • “A quick way ...” - for example, “A quick way to peel tangerines”;
  • "A simple solution…. "-" A simple solution in the fight against excess weight ";
  • “Now you can ...” - “Now you can achieve success”;
  • It’s also good to use the words “free, unique, effective, reliable” in the heading text - only they should correspond to the text of the article;
  • “Everyone should know this ...” - the title will attract the attention of users, motivates to go to the article page;
  • if possible, try to include in the name of the figure - "5 ways ...", "7 steps to ..." and so on.
Naturally, I gave far from a complete list of templates. And it is far from always necessary to use them. But they will help you if you cannot come up with anything worthwhile. Although with the experience of creating cool headlines you will no longer have.

4. Preparation of the plan

A plan is a sequence of points on which an article will be written. It is a peculiar concept of the material. Telling you how to write an article, an example plan will also give you:
  • Title;
  • Introduction;
  • The main part (subheadings can be used here that break the article into logical blocks);
  • Findings.
Work according to plan is much easier. It turns out to build a harmonious and logical structure. Important and valuable information will not be missed.

5. Introduction

The introduction consists of two to three small paragraphs. This is often enough to bring the reader up to date, lead to the disclosure of the topic. Of course, exceptions are possible, but they are not so often.

In the introduction, you need to briefly outline the problems and show what target audience the material is oriented to.

6. How to write an article: the main part

Here is a summary of the main material. The solution to the problem is described in sequence. Estimates, practical advices and recommendations are given. Describes how to achieve the goal.

The text should be readable. To do this, you must:

break the article with subheadings into small logical / semantic blocks;
use numbered or dotted lists;
write in short or relatively short sentences;
Do not make large paragraphs.
The amount of text is not limited. The times when there was enough article for 2-3 thousand characters have passed. Today, the more material, the better. However, it does not need to be artificially expanded. Give only useful, valuable, necessary information.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, the article summarizes. Focuses on the most important. It is indicated what exactly will allow the user to solve his problem.

8. Proof of article

Talking about how to write an article for publication, I can not miss this item. He is one of the most boring. After all, you need to re-read your work, which the author already knows.

But you can’t do without it. Proofreading eliminates errors, typos, repetitions, and tautologies. But you don’t need to go too deep into proofreading. Otherwise, the process will turn into an endless refinement. From which the article will not get better.

9. Verification of uniqueness

Another extremely important stage. The essence of which is to check how unique the text is.

What is meant by uniqueness? The fact that in such a combination of words and sentences, the described topic is not presented anywhere else. For example, for an article completely copied from another site, the uniqueness is 0%.

For good indexing, uniqueness should be at least 90-95%. In some cases allowed below. If it is specialized material with well-established speech volumes and terms.

The uniqueness of specialized services is verified. I trust The service is very convenient, it checks online. No need to download and install anything.

10. Save

And the last important point in my instruction on how to write an article for publication is to remember to save the verified read text.

Do not rush to publish material immediately. Let it lie down for a couple of days. Then re-read. You might want to add or remove something.

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